Essential Things You Need to Know About IVF During Covid Pandemic

IVF treatment and delivery are already full of rumours and myths, and the coronavirus pandemic is making it all the more difficult at present. So, before you search for information about IVF treatment cost in Thailand, you need to get handy tips to cope up with the fatal situation. 
The expectant moms are having a tough time getting clarity of their questions amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. So here is everything that you need to consider while delivering healthy babies through IVF amidst the epidemic.  

Delivering healthy babies is possible

It can be said that the IVF procedure demands special care and attention both during and after the process. Once you conceive successfully through IVF, your pregnancy is as precious as standard conception. However, that doesn't mean you will sacrifice your peaceful night's sleep during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are a few cases that report no negativity.
  • No Placental Transmission - There is no news of placental transfer till now, though chances are there that a COVID affected woman might transfer the disease to the newborn. Just like any other transfer, the close vicinity of the mother and the baby might be the reason. However, no proven results are till now established regarding the placental transfer.
  • The Fetus is Not Affected - It is a known fact that the novel coronavirus is new to humanity and its effect on a developing fetus is yet to be studied. However, mothers opting for IVF treatment in Thailand don't need to panic as there is no news of babies born with congenital disabilities.
  • Opt for Online Consultation - You might fear the absence of a regular follow-up during this situation, but gynecologists are paying attention to antenatal care through online discussion. With everyone accepting the new ways of communication, it is essential that you, follow-up on the safety precautions suggested by your doctor online.
  • The hygienic ambiance of the clinic - Instances might arise when you need to visit IVF treatment clinics in Thailand for the ultrasounds or routine check-ups. There's no need to worry, and special attention is given towards maintaining a healthy and hygienic atmosphere in the clinic.
Precautions to Take at Home
It is not safe outside your home, even for performing the daily and basic exercises and walking. So, it is essential to care for your home during the pregnancy days. Several questions might be there that keep on puzzling you, but your regular healthy habits will benefit in your course of pregnancy even after the current situation betters. 
  1. Hormonal changes are widespread during pregnancy, and also, the lockdown might set in various food cravings, and emotional eating owing to mood swings. Remember that all these activities will lead to gaining weight, thereby leading to fatal complications. So, you need to maintain your weight. There is no specific dietary approach to follow, but reducing your total calorie intake will benefit your overall health.
  2. You should never restrict the intake of carbohydrates. Instead, it is advisable to choose fiber-rich carbohydrates. Your doctor will offer you a customized dietary plan to follow based on the trimester. Make sure that you consume natural sources of minerals and vitamins. Processed foods are a big no-no.
  3. Keep yourself engaged in mild exercise inside your home. That will keep blood circulation uninterrupted and will also regulate blood glucose and blood pressure level. Engaging in regular household chores is also advisable to keep your body and mind healthy. 
The above post has already made you a champ in dealing with your IVF treatment amidst the Coronavirus outbreak. You can easily carry out your IVF treatment in Thailand if you have consulted with the best practitioner.


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