Helpful Tips for Your IVF Cycle
If you are reading this then the chances are that you are going to embark on the journey of IVF or perhaps you are already on the procedure. Around one in eight women needs the extra help in getting pregnant. If you want to start your family and have tried fertility options then IVF is one of the most common and best to have your own baby. The procedure can be explained easier than done. A lot occurs as you prepare for the procedure. Anxiety, sadness and uncertainty are some of the common feelings that you may feel during the procedure. Also not to mention the hormones for about two weeks of regular shots can elevate your emotions and mood swings. The IVF cycle period demands a lot from and you have to be prepared to face all the odds. Here are certain tips from IVF Thailand to help you through IVF.
Increase the Success of IVF
The success rate of conceiving during IVF is based on various factors. Lifestyle practices during the cycle are a huge influencer. The below are suggestions from expert doctors of IVF clinic Thailand.
Maintain Healthy Weight
According to an expert doctor of IVF clinic Thailand maintaining a healthy weight during the IVF cycle is crucial. Being obese or underweight increases the time of procedure by 2 our 4 times respectively. And it also negatively affects the success rate of IVF. Being overweight makes monitoring of the ovaries and retrieval of eggs complicated. You can reduce weight by tweaking your diet and day to day activities.
What to Eat?
A balanced and healthy meal is the key during IVF. Don’t make major diet changes like going gluten-free if you already weren’t. Some suggest a Mediterranean-style diet as the plant-based foundation will provide your body with all the positive nutrition. Researches too suggest that Mediterranean diet increases the success rate of IVF in women above the age of 35 and are not obese. As the diet also has a positive impact on sperm health, encourage your partner to follow the same diet. A recent study by Harvard school of public health found food rich in monounsaturated fat helps women who are planning to undergo in vitro fertilization.
Workout During IVF Cycle
Most of the women stop hitting the mat during their IVF cycle because they worry that it could affect potential pregnancy. Don’t worry as exercising during the IVF cycle is a good practice. Keep doing whatever you were doing up until now. Avoid running long distances as running is a more disruptive form of exercise to fertility compared to other forms of exercises. Discuss further with your doctor for IVF treatment in Thailand.
Optimize The Sperm Health
In IVF both men and women have to undergo proper care as it is vital for the health of egg and sperm. Men can use multivitamins and maintain optimal body weight to enhance the health of sperm. Use boxers instead of briefs. On the supervision of doctors, men can also start on medications that will improve the number of sperm and quality of sperm.
Stress is a criminal behind various problems in the reproductive system. During IVF, stress reduces the success rate of the procedure. It is normal to worry whether the treatment is going to work or not. But beyond all the problems find some time to distress. Practice meditation and gentle breathing exercises to keep stress at bay and to allow your body to function optimally.
Avoid Food with a Low Glycemic Index
The glycemic index is a system to classify the food based on how easily they get digested by the body. The lower the glycemic index of the food, the slower they will be digested thus ensuring a steady supply of energy to your body.
Bottom line
Consult your doctor for further measures that you have to follow during the IVF cycle. The IVF Thailand success rate speaks to their expertise and experience in the procedure. Visit them for all your IVF problems.
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